So, what’s it all about?

For the Reader

For the reader, the Carnival exposes you to the very best posts of the previous week, all written about mobile and gathered together in a central place. You can read the summary on the host’s site and click on any story that catches your eye. Each week, it’ll be hosted at a different site, so you can visit the Carnival and experience both new writers about mobile, as well as all your old favourites.

You can see a list of forthcoming and previous hosts on the “Schedule” and “Past Carnivals” tabs.

For the Carnival Contributor

For the carnival contributor, you get your best writing exposed to (hopefully) a lot more readers than normal.

Every week, the Carnival will be hosted at a different site, which has the benefit of sharing traffic and the workload. The host will receive contributions during the week (including the inevitable last minute rush), write a summary of the contributions, with links to the contributing writers. Here’s an example from the first Carnival of the Mobilists.

Hosting the Carnival should generate even more traffic than usual, as the idea is that all contributing writers tell their readers about it. Please Note: When promoting that week’s Carnival, just link to the host’s site, not direct to every link. The key is that readers visit the host site and from there, the individual participants.

Timing: Please submit by midnight GMT on Fridays. This allows the host to edit the post over the weekend for Monday morning publication.

Send your entry to: . All participants writing about mobile are welcome - you don’t need a special invitation.

Please note that if your entry is selected, there is an obligation to promote the Carnival on your site that week. If you don’t, there’s no heavy reprisals, but you will be universally hated by all :-)

If you would like to host an upcoming Carnival of the Mobilists, drop Judy Breck a line (judy at nyc dot rr dot com). In order to be considered to be a host, you must have already successfully contributed to the Carnival as a writer 3 times or more.

Finally, if you’d like to include the Carnival of the Mobilists button on your site, feel free. You can simply copy the code below and it will be added to your site, linking back to this page:


The Carnival is an evolving thing and all opinions are welcome. We always listen to new ideas, although don’t always act on them if we don’t agree with them! Anyone interested in the discussion is invited to join .

Get this button for your site!

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